BEST copy project


Main image credit (for image used in ‘Portfolio’ section: Jorg Angeli,

The brief: to write 200-300 words for our client’s new business initiative, BEST (Business Events Shaping Tomorrow), for marketing and PR purposes.

ETAG’s (Edinburgh Tourism Action Group) aim is to bring together Edinburgh businesses to positively influence the city’s tourism. This was especially necessary after the pandemic, where the events and tourism sector had drastically suffered.

ETAG were launching a new business initiative called BEST, where businesses could sign up and earn exclusive awards for positively contributing to the community, and in turn, the business and tourism sector. The client needed something that could easily convey what the initiative was and why businesses should consider joining.

While I worked as an editor at White Light Media, I was tasked with putting together a write up for a one page PDF document that the client could use for a press release and any further marketing content. I conducted research and acquired further information, looking at what the initiative was, why it was created, how it would benefit local businesses, and what its relevance was.

After a couple of rounds of changes by different members of ETAG, the result was a one page PDF designed by my colleagues at White Light Media (left).

The BEST one page PR document, and more information on the initiative, can be found on ETAG’s website.


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